Thursday 2 February 2012

3rd Preparatory Session - Learning to pack our things for travelling!

Today, all of us carried an extra bag containing our belongings brought from home, including towels, socks, t-shirts, pants, belts etc. Why? It was because we were going to learn to organise and pack our belongings in a neat and effective manner.

This session was filled with hands on practice on learning to group our belongings, fold our towels, clothes etc, and then packing them into zip lock bags. Ms Huzaima showed an example for us, and then we had a try at doing it. At first, it was difficult! With more practice, and with teachers' guidance, we managed to finish the task in the end. Yeah!

Here are some pictures:
Ms Huzaima showing an example of folding

Jasper trying to fold a towel nicely
Gim How doing a good job at packing his things

Jasmine sorting out her clothes
Now, it looks so neat!
Gwen re-organising her clothes
Look of satisfaction on Gim How's face!
Ming Hui did it too!
Mrs Nair and Jasmine. Yes! Jasmine did it too!
We felt so proud of ourselves that we did it! *CLAPS*

Now, we are looking forward to the overnight stay in school on next Friday!

Signing off.......

1 comment:

  1. Thank you to all parents & guardians for your support in packing all items with your child/ward for this practice session.
    Let's do it again for the packing list to India.
